Hairburst витамины для волос официальный сайт
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Our Products
Hair Growth Vitamins
Daily vitamins designed to optimise hair growth and help you achieve your healthiest hair possible.
Hairburst Bundles
The perfect combination for achieving your #hairgoals. Using our hair growth products in combination is the best way to achieve optimal hair growth results.
Hair Growth Vitamins
Daily vitamins designed to optimise hair growth and help you achieve your healthiest hair possible.
Hairburst Cosmetic Range
Award winning products to accelerate hair growth, all SLS & Paraben Free.
Hairburst Bundles
The perfect combination for achieving your #hairgoals. Using our hair growth products in combination is the best way to achieve optimal hair growth results.
Our Story
We believe everyone deserves long, healthy and gorgeous hair. We only sell hair growth products that are proven, safe and effective. We promise to give you great results at an affordable price, and to go for natural whenever possible. All our products are easy to use and effective, helping you fall in love with your hair again.
Start your Hairburst journey here and achieve your #hairgoals
What our customers say…
I’ve started using Hairburst vitamins in 2019 August. And omg what a difference i can see. My hair strated growing, then look healthier. Vitamins are easy to swallow.. After seeing good results, I’ve got some vitamins fir my husband too. His hair definitely started growing more quickly. Huge recommendation ???? well done Hairburst for this product.
I have just finished my first tub of these… WOW! They taste amazing and my hair looks so much healthier than before as it has been bleached way too much!
I recently purchased this as I noticed my hair was starting to get thin and I’ve always had thick hair so obviously I wanted to do something about this. I have already noticed a massive difference in my hair already , it feels a lot smoother , thicker and much more healthy . I will definitely be repurchasing this !!
I have only used Hair Bursts Shampoo/Conditioner & capsules for two months… but already have seen such an improvement in my hair, it doesn’t fall out anymore when I shower or brush my hair. It’s easier to manage, more controllable. But not only that the Shampoo & Conditioner smell delicious!! I’ve already recommended the products to friends & I will continue to use them myself. Keep up the great work!!
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Of users noticed faster hair growth after using Hairburst*
Of users stated they would use Hairburst again*
Said that their hair felt healthier after using Hairburst*
*Results taken from a group of 100 people with different hair types who took Hairburst for 3 months.
Join us and let’s fight malnutrition together
We’ve partnered with Vitamin Angels to support the health of undernourished pregnant women and children around the world. Through our partnership, we will ensure they receive the essential vitamins and nutrients they need to build a foundation for good health.
For every bottle of vitamins sold
one year of vitamins for someone in need
Every bottle of Hairburst vitamins you purchase helps a child in need
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Hairburst добавляет все жизненные витамины и питательные вещества к пищевому режиму, в которых нуждается организм, для того чтобы волосы были сильными и длинными. Наша уникальная формула привела к фантастическим результатам наших пользователей, которые говорят о том, что волосы становятся более здоровыми, крепкими, длинными, блестящими, послушными и растут быстрее благодаря использованию hairburst.
Мы понимаем, что для вас важно знать, что вы принимаете, а также важно понимать, почему hairburst может помочь вам с ростом волос.
Так вот, информация почему вам нужен этот препарат
Волосы и кожа начинают становиться увлажненными и начинают восстанавливаться
Ускоряется рост волос, состояние волос продолжает улучшаться
Волосы растут на оптимальном уровне. Они становятся более густыми, поскольку падение волос уменьшается
Состояние волос стабилизируется и продолжают улучшаться с оптимальной скоростью, рост волос все еще продолжается
Как он действует?
Чтобы проверить, как действует hairburst, просмотрите раздел «О Нас». Здесь Вы можете прочитать все о том, как наши витамины действуют, чтобы волосы были здоровыми и длинными.
Как использовать hairburst?
Hairburst – это натуральная смесь витаминов в виде капсул стандартного размера для приема во внутрь, которая питает ваши волосы изнутри.
Когда использовать hairburst?
Каждая упаковка содержит месячную норму – 60 капсул. Мы рекомендуем вам ежедневно принимать по две капсулы для получения лучших результатов. Обычно рекомендуется принимать витамины утром во время приема пищи, но мы считаем, что принимать их стоит в любое удобное для вас время.
Что происходит после прекращения принятия hairburst?
Нет никаких побочных эффектов, если вы прекратите принимать hairburst, за исключением того, что ваши волосы не получат прекрасного ухода, не станут более длинными, здоровыми, густыми, также при этом они не станут ломкими и секущимися. Вы можете попытаться отрастить волосы такой же длины, какой они были при использовании hairburst.
Кто может использовать hairburst?
Предназначение hairburst в том, чтобы у всех были великолепные волосы. Он подходит для ВСЕХ типов волос – женских и мужских. Вы можете начать принимать hairburst с 12 лет.
Как быстро мои волосы вырастут при использовании hairburst?
В среднем в месяц два с половиной сантиметра, однако, результаты варьируются в зависимости от каждого человека, так что эта цифра может быть и больше. Не забывайте делиться фотографиями своих волос с нами в Instagram.
Сколько времени следует принимать витамины?
Рост волос каждого отличается, и он полностью зависит от стиля, который вы предпочитаете. Однако, применение hairburst минимум 3 месяца даст вам оптимальные результаты. Так, мы считаем, что именно за этот период действительно начинают проявляться результаты. Не забывайте, что hairburst не только удлиняет ваши волосы, но и делает их более здоровыми и густыми, причем исчезает ломкость волос, и они не секутся. Поэтому вы можете постоянно принимать hairburst и поддерживать здоровое состояние волос, которому способствуют витамины.
Где я могу купить hairburst?
Вы можете купить hairburst здесь
Витамины дают какие-то отрицательные побочные эффекты?
Hairburst на 100% натуральный и не содержит лекарственных веществ, поэтому никакие побочные эффекты не проявляются во время его применения, если вы чувствуете, что какие-то компоненты могут не подойти вам, проконсультируйтесь со своим лечащим врачом.
Hairburst лечит плешивость?
Нет, не лечит. Hairburst разработан для поддержания роста волос. Если вы потеряли значительное количество волос, проконсультируйтесь со своим лечащим врачом, поскольку могут быть медицинские противопоказания.
Я могу принимать hairburst, если у меня есть какие-то заболевания?
Вы должны всегда консультироваться со своим лечащим врачом, прежде чем начинать использование
Селен, цинк, гиалуроновая кислота, кальций и фолиевая кислота
водорастворимые витамины, не содержащие искусственных компонентов
Биотин, метилсульфонилметан, коллаген, аминокислоты и кремний
Усовершенствованный комплекс витаминов B, а также витамины A, C и D
Результат: восстанавливает и укрепляет, питает и влияет на рост волос ресниц и бровей. Максимальная густота и длина ресниц. Здоровые глазки и никакой аллергии. Эффект гарантирован даже при нерегулярном использовании. Реальное увеличение ресниц на 45%. Увеличение толщины и объема на 40%. Результат заметен через 3-4 недели. Рост ресниц +30%, объем +50%. При регулярном применении снимает усталость, напряжение и отечность с глаз.
Применение: 2 раза в день, эффект наступает через 1-2 недели. Наносить только на чистую кожу и ресницы! Наносить по желанию, чем чаще, тем быстрее рост ресниц. Не держать тюбик открытым более 2 минут. Не наносить на ресницы после слез, иначе раствор испортится.
Состав: питательный биокомплекс экстрактов хвойных растений и древесины, активные вещества гуминовых кислот, касторовое масло, генерирующий гель VOM, дистиллированнаявода, окислитель и пищевые добавки (регулятор кислотности) для достижения нейтральности состава рН- 7,0.
Визажист создаст блестящий образ для торжества или на каждый день.
Специалист по массажу устранит зажимы, снимет напряжение, проработает проблемные зоны.
Наши косметологи помогут подобрать процедуру, чтобы ваше лицо и тело сияло свежестью.
On sale
Designed to optimise hair growth and help you achieve your healthiest hair possible. We target the underlying causes that compromise hair growth in our daily lives, by formulating proven and safe products that can easily fit in to your daily routine and help to keep hair in the ‘growth phase’ for as long as possible.
Our Hair Vitamins help you with your long-term hair goals, so we encourage you to persist and commit to at least 3 months before assessing your results. That’s why we offer a multi-buy saving on all of our vitamins and a FREE pack of Silk Scrunchies worth £19.99. *One Per Order
Hair Growth
Biotin, Zinc and Selenium all contribute to healthy hair and skin.
Overall Health
A take on our original vitamin with 26 ingredients for multi-vitamin benefits as well as increased Biotin and Collagen levels to support with hair and skin health.
Made with a gelatin base, our Chewable Hair Vitamins are strawberry and blackcurrant flavour and completely chewable, making them a great alternative for those who struggle to swallow capsules.
Optimise your results and SAVE
£5.40 with a 3 month bundle.
FREE Silk Scrunchies with 3 month vitamin bundles worth £19.99. *One Per Order
Key Ingredients
Also known as Vitamin B7, it is
found in all of the Hairburst
Vitamin products, Biotin is an
essential vitamin required by
the body. Deficiency in this ‘B
vitamin’, can lead to thinning
hair. Biotin helps to maintain
healthy hair.
An essential mineral found in
all of the Hairburst Vitamin
products, Zinc plays an
important role in cell growth
and repair, including those in
your hair. It also keeps the oil
glands around the hair
follicles working correctly.
Deficiency in Zinc, can lead to
thinning hair.
Helps to reduce and slow
down the greying process,
Copper maintains healthy hair
pigmentation which means
colour pigment in your hair
lasts for longer
Collagen is rich in amino
acids that your body needs to
build keratin (the protein that
makes up hair) there are
studies linked to Collagen
improving hair health and
Anti- inflammatory and sulphur
rich, there is research linked to
intake of MSM and
improvement of hair retention
and growth.
How does it work?
All of our products have been specially forumulated to encourage and improve your hair growth and quality, combatting the daily disruptive factors which can affect your hair and it’s growth phase.
Heated Styling
Poor Nutrition
Dying/ Bleaching
Helps to improve
Fine or thinning hair
Dry/Brittle Hair
Hair that won’t grow past a certain point
How to use?
Chew two pastilles. Once per day. We recommend taking alongside food for better absorption.
Be persistent. We recommend taking our vitamins for a minimum of 3 months before assessing your results. Remember everyone’s hair and goals are different and some may notice improvements after just a few weeks, but others will be longer. Remember to take progress pictures to monitor your own personal hair growth journey.
Chewable Hair Vitamins are:
Safe levels of Biotin
Dairy Free
GMO Free
Gluten Free
Cruelty Free
What our customers say…
I absolutely love these vitamins! I had really damaged snapped hair from over bleaching it but after taking these for two months i have really noticed a difference
My daughter in law bought me these for a gift because my hair was so bad. And wow what a difference. My hair has less breakage, shedding and looks and feels healthier. Thank you for not being just other dud and being the real thing. Me and my hair appreciate it
I have just finished my first tub of these… WOW! They taste amazing and my hair looks so much healthier than before as it has been bleached way too much!
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View Shipping Information
We offer fast and tracked shipping. For more detailed shipping information for your specific territory, please visit our shipping and refunds page
We’ve partnered with Vitamin Angels to support the health of undernourished pregnant women and children around the world. Through our partnership, we will ensure they receive the essential vitamins and nutrients they need to build a foundation for good health.
Our vitamin range will help you to achieve beautiful healthy hair from the inside out, and our cosmetic hair care line enhances each strand from the outside, so you can achieve the longest, thickest hair possible. Each product is specially formulated with carefully chosen ingredients for improving your hair.
Found in all of the Hairburst Vitamin products, Biotin is an essential vitamin required by the body. Deficiency in this ‘B vitamin’, can lead to thinning hair. Biotin helps to maintain healthy hair.
Found in all of the Hairburst Vitamin products, Biotin is an essential vitamin required by the body. Deficiency in this ‘B vitamin’, can lead to thinning hair. Biotin helps to maintain healthy hair.
An essential mineral found in all of the Hairburst Vitamin products, Zinc plays an important role in cell growth and repair, including those in your hair. It also keeps the oil glands around the hair follicles working correctly. Deficiency in Zinc, can lead to thinning hair.
An essential mineral found in all of the Hairburst Vitamin products, Zinc plays an important role in cell growth and repair, including those in your hair. It also keeps the oil glands around the hair follicles working correctly. Deficiency in Zinc, can lead to thinning hair.
Helps to reduce and slow down the greying process, coppers maintains healthy hair pigmentation which means colour pigment in your hair lasts for longer. This is found in all of the Hairburst Vitamins.
Helps to reduce and slow down the greying process, coppers maintains healthy hair pigmentation which means colour pigment in your hair lasts for longer. This is found in all of the Hairburst Vitamins.
Methylsufonylmethane) Anti- inflammatory and Sulphur rich, there is research linked to hair retention and growth.
Methylsufonylmethane) Anti- inflammatory and Sulphur rich, there is research linked to hair retention and growth.
Collagen is rich in amino acids that your body needs to build keratin (the protein that makes up hair) there are studies linked to Collagen improving hair health and growth.
Collagen is rich in amino acids that your body needs to build keratin (the protein that makes up hair) there are studies linked to Collagen improving hair health and growth.
These proteins strengthen and repair weak hair, meaning it will break less easily and in turn grow longer, this ingredient also adds shine and the appearance of thicker hair through moisture retention in each strand. This is found in our Shampoo, Conditioner and Elixir products.
Hydrolysed Wheat Proteins
Hydrolysed Wheat Proteins
These proteins strengthen and repair weak hair, meaning it will break less easily and in turn grow longer, this ingredient also adds shine and the appearance of thicker hair through moisture retention in each strand. This is found in our Shampoo, Conditioner and Elixir products.
Did you know, the Hairburst Shampoo contains 9 different amino acids! Amino acids can also strengthen and moisturise the hair because of their water-attracting habit. It helps damaged hair improve its surface and strength, resulting in smoother strands that break less.
Amino Acids
Amino Acids
Did you know, the Hairburst Shampoo contains 9 different amino acids! Amino acids can also strengthen and moisturise the hair because of their water-attracting habit. It helps damaged hair improve its surface and strength, resulting in smoother strands that break less.
Also known as Pea Sprout Extract, this natural ingredient is high in phytonutrients. Recent studies have shown that this ingredient helps to reduce hair loss, improve density of hair and prolong the life cycle of hair. This powerful ingredient is found in our Volume & Growth Elixir.
Also known as Pea Sprout Extract, this natural ingredient is high in phytonutrients. Recent studies have shown that this ingredient helps to reduce hair loss, improve density of hair and prolong the life cycle of hair. This powerful ingredient is found in our Volume & Growth Elixir.
A derivative of Vitamin B5 and a humectant, means it helps retain water and moisturises hair strands. it is capable of penetrating the cuticle and entering the hair shaft where it aids in moisture retention and provides volume.
A derivative of Vitamin B5 and a humectant, means it helps retain water and moisturises hair strands. it is capable of penetrating the cuticle and entering the hair shaft where it aids in moisture retention and provides volume.
An anti-hair loss blend of ingredients found in the Lash & Brow Enhancing Serum, both work together to block DHT . Clinical studies on this blend showed that it increased hair density, and was effective for hair growth.
Red Clover Extract & Peptides
Red Clover Extract & Peptides
An anti-hair loss blend of ingredients found in the Lash & Brow Enhancing Serum, both work together to block DHT . Clinical studies on this blend showed that it increased hair density, and was effective for hair growth.
On sale
Designed to optimise hair growth and help you achieve your healthiest hair possible. We target the underlying causes that compromise hair growth in our daily lives, by formulating proven and safe products that can easily fit in to your daily routine and help to keep hair in the ‘growth phase’ for as long as possible.
Our Hair Vitamins help you with your long-term hair goals, so we encourage you to persist and commit to at least 3 months before assessing your results. That’s why we offer a multi-buy saving on all of our vitamins and a FREE pack of Silk Scrunchies worth £19.99. *One Per Order
Hair Growth
In a consumer trial 98% of Hairburst users noticed visibly faster hair growth.
Hair Quality
Improvements in strength, shine, density, manageability and softness.
Overall Health
Hairburst Hair Vitamins contain 26 ingredients, including vitamins B, C & D, collagen and essential amino acids.
Optimise your results and SAVE 20% with a 3 month bundle.
FREE Silk Scrunchies with any 3 month vitamin bundle worth £19.99. *One Per Order
Key Ingredients
Found in all of the Hairburst
Vitamin products, Biotin is an
essential vitamin required by
the body. Deficiency in this ‘B
vitamin’, can lead to thinning
hair. Biotin helps to maintain
healthy hair.
Helps to reduce and slow
down the greying process,
Copper maintains healthy hair
pigmentation which means
colour pigment in your hair
lasts for longer.
An essential mineral found in
all of the Hairburst Vitamin
products, Zinc plays an important role in cell growth and repair, including those in your hair. It also keeps the oil glands around the hair follicles working correctly. Deficiency in Zinc, can lead to thinning hair.
Collagen is rich in amino acids that your body needs to build keratin (the protein that makes up hair) there are studies linked to Collagen improving hair health and growth.
Methylsufonylmethane) Antiinflammatory and Sulphur rich, there is research linked to hair retention and growth.
How does it work?
All of our products have been specially forumulated to encourage and improve your hair growth and quality, combatting the daily disruptive factors which can affect your hair and it’s growth phase.
Helps to improve
Fine or thinning hair
Dry/ Brittle Hair
Hair that won’t grow past a certain point
How to use?
Take two capsules. Once per day. We recommend taking alongside food for better absorption.
Be persistent. Take our vitamins for a minimum of 3 months before assessing your results. Remember, everyone’s hair and goals are different and some notice improvements after just a few weeks, but others will be longer. Remember to take take progress pictures to monitor your own personal hair growth journey.
The Healthy Hair Vitamins are:
Safe levels
of Biotin
Dairy free
GMO free
Premium/ Natural
Gluten free
Cruelty free
Halal Certified
What our customers say…
I’ve started using Hairburst vitamins in 2019 August. And omg what a difference i can see. My hair strated growing, then look healthier. Vitamins are easy to swallow.. After seeing good results, I’ve got some vitamins fir my husband too. His hair definitely started growing more quickly. Huge recommendation ???? well done Hairburst for this product.
Thank you so much. Bought 4 bottle to have a solid result but at the middle of the first one i already see healthier and thicker hair! Great investment!
Can’t recommend these highly enough. Noticeable difference within a few weeks, after a couple of months I’ve had a few people asking what I’ve done to my hair. Fast, reliable service – regular offers and subscription discount too.
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View Shipping Information
We offer fast and tracked shipping. For more detailed shipping information for your specific territory, please visit our shipping and refunds page
We’ve partnered with Vitamin Angels to support the health of undernourished pregnant women and children around the world. Through our partnership, we will ensure they receive the essential vitamins and nutrients they need to build a foundation for good health.